Ham it up with Ham Radio

The world of ham radio is a fasinating expericence.
My name is Oleta my call sign is KC5SVO.
There is so much to learn and do with Amateur radio.
For me it is all a constant learning experience.
I just completed my basic Sky Warn training.
I have had my ticket since Feb.1996
There is so many things that a ham can get into
that are really interesting to do.

Check out the SkyWarn homepage here.
This is a group of dedicated people that in some cases
go mobile to chase the storms. In this way they can keep
track of the movement of the storm situtations.
That can't be tracked by radar at times.

This is some good ham radio friends of mine.
Please click on their emblems and visit their homepages.

This link is to another long time friend.His name is Stephen KC5PGN His page is a great weather as well as ham page. Stephen is another guy that has always been there to help me when I got stuck on studying or working on my homepages.Thanks Steve

This link is for three very special friends that are operators also.

Mike i, Aaron and Josh is . Mike is KC5TEH.is into computers as well as ham radio. He loves to chat on the radio at night with us. KC5TEF is also known as Aaron. He is 13. Aaron is the quitest of the 3 guys. He is interested in military history as well as electronics. Josh is the 12 year old also known as KC5TEG,He is the one who likes to do the electronic experiment alot. He and his brothers took their test at the same time. That is why there call signs are all so close.All three guys are good examples of what real hams are for. They are always willing to help anyone needing help . This day and time that is a very unusual thing to see in our young people.These guys are very talented. They always have a kind word for everyone. Sometimes I kid them too much but they are great about it.
This link is for Mike's page.


Click here to see the Ham radio icq page!

If I can help you. Please e-mail me any questions that I can help you with, I will be more than happy to. Ham Radio is a great hobby as well a good way to help others.

Please sign my Dreambook!
Read my Dreambook!

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